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Smudging Blessings

Smudging Blessings

For any purpose, the process remains

Remember that what you say is not as important as what you believe. Try to free your thoughts of any negativity and remember that the Creator has given you the tools to cleanse your space and protect it.

Light your Sage and use this blessing throughout your smudging process as much or as little as you feel is needed.

The Sacred Sage burns as I Walk with Creator

To Cleanse This Space And Protect My Home

to Heal, Bring Strength And Bring Peace

I Honor The Cycle of Life And The Four Directions

FromThe New Beginning In The east, Birth

The Warmth and Light Of The South, Growth

Closing The Day, Bringing Change In The West, Maturity

The North Gives Wisdom And Guidance, Transition

To Heal And Strengthen, The Sacred Sage Burns


Commonly used Smudge Herbs are...

White Sage -  negative energy clearing

Rosemary - to treat wounds and headaches and colds

Cedar - cleansing and balancing

Pine Needles -  blessing and strengthening

Sweetgrass - healing and purification and brings positive energy (perfect to burn after smudging with a more potent energy cleanser)

Dragon's Blood - lucid dreaming and purification and calming

Juniper - protection and harmony

Yerba Santa - purification and calming

Rosemary - protection

Lavender - calming

Eucalyptus - cleansing sickrooms and heals, improves respiratory function

Rose petals - meditation and calming and attracts new

Desert Sage - negative energy clearing and protection and calm

Ruda Rue - healing and protection

Shasta Sage - eliminates toxins from the body

Royal Sage - spiritual cleansing and calm