Healing Conversations Now Joan Chadbourne and Tony Silbert
Healing Conversations Now contains many stories of what happens when people engage in dialogue and conversation with loved ones and elders who are near the end of their lives. The authors wrote this book to share their experiences and hope that you will be inspired to engage in similar explorations. This book is also a handbook that provides the essential elements and tools needed so that you can engage in enriching conversations that enhance relationships. Using the approach and suggestions in this book will prepare you to enter into Healing Conversations. We might be drawn to initiate Healing Conversations for a variety of reasons: Tony recognized the time was now if he was going to know his mom as a whole person before she died of small-cell lung cancer. Crisis compelled Joan to have more meaningful and powerfully intimate conversations with each of her parents before they died. Those interactions moved her to begin years of on-going conversations with her elder aunts. They continue today. As the authors reflected on these life-changing interactions, they realized: no matter what compels us to enter into Healing Conversations, the outcome is the same. Relationships are enhanced. Those who engage in Healing Conversations experience a more satisfying connection and a greater sense of loving and being loved. In this book you'll find stories to inspire you to initiate Healing Conversations with your elders and dying loved ones. Questions and conversation starters are also provided to help you know what to say and do. The handbook section will guide you, step-by-step, as you engage in these new conversations. They will open your heart, give you a better understanding of loved ones, ensure that you have the conversations you need and want to have at an important time of life. You will find peace and have no regrets and so will your loved ones.