Goldmining the Shadows Pixie Lighthorse
Goldmining the Shadows is book five and the healing companion to Boundaries & Protection.
This book is written for readers who want to hold themselves accountable for harm their wounds are causing themselves and others. It is a call for transformation through self-learning and self-knowing.
We all experience hurts, especially early in development. Our pain causes us to adapt for emotional survival. Our behavioral responses to pain and suffering creates unconscious “shadows” that follow us to work and into relationships, creating sets of circumstances from the trajectory of our wounds.
The tendency in western, colonial culture is to suppress or ignore pain, which only fuels our shadows’ needs for domination and/or victimization. This book encourages the reader to shift the perspective, and to see shadows as frightened inner children, desperate to even out the imbalances caused by our developmental adaptations.
Shadow work is an act of liberation—one with the potential to transform our lives and our culture for the better. Pain— individual and collective—contains valuable wisdom. With loving compassion and lived experience, Lighthorse guides readers to recognize, call out, and learn from our pain.
Composed of 52 short, digestible one-page chapters, Goldmining the Shadows is designed for picking up when compassionate truth is needed. It is meant to be carried as a companion and reread at different seasons of life, its many facets revealed over time.